Every night, mummy and daddy will take me back home from grandma's house.... sometimes, I'm playing all day and get pretty tired. Daddy usually carries me if he doesn't have his work bag to carry... and I ... zzzzzz... quite fun...!
When I was 7 months old, mummy put me in a Bob The Builder bulldozer at a shopping centre! Since then, I've loved those coin-operated rides! Here I am in Paragon 5th floor (the baby floor) in an aeroplane! WHEEEEE!
Now and then, during those lazy afternoons, Grandma will bring me to the Serangoon Gardens Country Club kiddies' playroom. This is my favourite alligator! And I'm smart enough not to let my feet get clipped by the alligator when I'm rocking - lookit my feet!
Now and then, during their dinnertime, the big people will peel the skin off fruits and I enjoy licking them! [Daddy: But that's what got you having the rashes on your face, so no more licking until further notice!]
Somehow mummy and daddy got so many books for me but I can't read yet, so both Daddy and Mummy read to me quite often. This is the `Tigers' book where the tiger squeaks all the time! OK... Tigers squeak!