Sunday, December 17, 2006

Kimberly! Nicole!

Now and then we visit Uncle Oo, and we meet up with Kimberly, Nicole and Auntie Yvette. They got tons of toys most of which I don't have as those are girl toys, but fun nevertheless. Nicole is a big zhe zhe but Kimberly is the funniest! "Where is the bee-yaa?" and "Mum-meeah!" which, even a year later I borrow those expressions!
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Flower Show!

Daddy and Mummy wanted to flowerize our home since I love flowers so much, especially morning glories. Blue Morning Glory Flowers are better, of course. There were tons of flowers at the flower show, but it was hard to take pictures. This was the time daddy decided to have a DSLR instead of a prosumer Sony V3 camera. Happy shopping, daddy!
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