Shhhh.... Don't tell mummy I'm splashing the water. She always says that the water is filled with mosquito poison, but anyway, it's fun! Grandpa is very sweet - he helped bathe me after my splash splash....
The Beep the Bus cake seems to be full of M&Ms and sugar, and all the kids love it. Obviously Amber loves cake too! She ate a whole slice but I was too young to eat, said mummy.
Mummy got me a super designer cake with Beep the Bus, Humpty Dumpty and Twinkle Twinkle the little star on it! Wow! All from my favourite Wheels on the Bus VideoCD series!
I couldn't keep my hands off it. Yum Yum! Eating one's favourite cartoon characters is every baby's dream. Mine too!
Pity I can't eat roti prata yet... the Casuarina Curry House Prata-On-Demand was quite a hit with all the grownups. So many types of prata, even chocolate prata ... yum yum!
Mummy invited the Kinder Muzik people to come teach us babies how to enjoy music. Just look at those babies. Claire's mummy is observing, but Claire's too young to come yet.... maybe I'll go to her party soon!
Just hours before my 1st birthday party, the balloon people came and put all those super balloons on the ceiling. And daddy's doing gymnastics on the floor trying to take some weird angle shot.
Some balloons burst before this, and I was momentarily scared of balloons... but didn't last long coz balloons are really great fun!
Every morning, before going to work, daddy or mummy take me for a walk around the neighbourhood. Here I am just before my walk ... in front of our new house.
I'm very happy to have a pond in our new house! Daddy sometimes lets me splash around just before I take a bath .... kick the water around. When daddy splashes the water himself, I laugh and laugh .....
Soon there'll be fishes and plants and scum in it, so I better splash my fill before they come...
Mummy and Grandma took me on my first MRT ride from Serangoon to Dhoby Ghaut. I'm shorter than 0.9m, thank you, so I don't need a ticket. And the girl's head is too big!
As you probably know now, I love rides. After visiting Great Grandpa, we went to a neighbourhood mall to check out the kiddie rides. Here I am in the car, and grandma is laughing with me!
Here's my late Great Grandpa. I was sleeping during the visit, but when Great Grandpa flipped out the ang pow, I opened one eye to see! I will always treasure this Ang Pow... I love you, Great Grandpa!
All family from daddy's side are here! My eyes got photoshopped, but daddy was too lazy to photoshop the rest at the time of posting.... never mind, the integrity of the JPG's what counts!