Friday, August 25, 2006

Hyper Bishi Bashi Champ

Guess this is the one picture of the marvellous Hyper Bishi Bashi Champ machine they had at the club. It was removed shortly after this August 2006 picture, and replaced with a host of new machines including a Dance and a Racing Car machine. This was the coolest though, and even at 12 months I could say `Bishi Bashi Champ' ...
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Monday, August 21, 2006

Making a call to Kung Kung in KL

At 16 months, I can actually `pretend' to make a call. Hello Kung Kung in KL!

Actually, the irony is how primitive phones are to me, as my first calls I saw were not using phones, but the webcam with Skype Video or MSN video. (Since we didn't have a land line and mummy didn't want me exposed to high SAR of handphones, and also, who doesn't want to see a baby live?) Posted by Picasa

Flag Waving during National Day!

I'm going to watch fireworks later. Until then, it's FLAG WAVING TIME! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 20, 2006

The long flight of stairs

Our staircase is a long straight one all the way up. I could climb it since I was 16 months old, aided. Here I am gathering the strength to climb the staircase mountain again. Posted by Picasa

The waterfall at home!

The waterfall didn't always work. Finally it got working fine. It's an endless source of fun, and later daddy put some fish and some plants into the pond and the waterfall kept all the fish happy with oxygen. And there're lots of other equipment like a big stinky filter and lots of pipes, but those are in the airwell away from sight. Posted by Picasa

A Drink during A Drive

Always nice to take a drink during a drive, especially with Long Dog. Aug 2006. The ASIS car seat with ISOFIX fits daddy's new car, and costs a pretty penny daddy tells me ...
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Saturday, August 19, 2006

Walking with Daddy

Upper Peirce Reservoir is a place daddy always misses, ending up in Lower Peirce. Finally we got there and it's very pretty, with spider webs and all! Here I am walking with daddy - rare because in this month of September 2006 it has all been `Daddy Carry' most of the time.
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Sunday, August 13, 2006

100 balls!

I've always loved the hundred balls but daddy never took my photograph with them since I got the balls during my 1st birthday. At 16 months here's my first picture of me and the hundred balls. Posted by Picasa

My new desk

After 3 months having bought the desk and chairs, Daddy finally put it together for me. I love it! It's just in front of our TV panel!

How this picture was taken:

Daddy: Jasper, where's daddy? Point!

So I point! Is it a good point??? Posted by Picasa

My new compressed air ball popper

This is one very loud toy which compresses air into a chamber and pops out the ball at high speed - (words daddy's).

It sure can pop! Wonder if it can blow bubbles if I pour a whole bottle of that bubble stuff into it.

Visiting Dr. Kek's Clinic

Dr. Kek's one of the nicest people in the world. She even gave me a tape measure to play with - look at the pink thing I'm carrying. Dr. Kek says I'm not fat and should keep that way.


Doctor's Kit!

Dr. Kek sure is busy! She's nice to have left a doctor's kit outside for babies to play with though. The blood pressure pump is pretty cool to start with. Where're the rest of the kit? Posted by Picasa

Dr. Kek's Clinic

This is Dr. Kek's clinic, mummy Gynae. This is a familar sight to both mummy and daddy, probably their 20th visit. I'm here now to be shown to Dr. Kek and to take a picture with her.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

My first taste of Fireworks!

Wow! Watching fireworks from Uncle KB's house was a real rush in retrospect. Though I was upset the first day, after that I was very impressed with fireworks. Mummy bought Eric Carle's books for me about Fireworks, and daddy searched Youtube and Google Video for fireworks video sequences.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Very very baby!

I'm still very very baby ... especially when I'm sleeping on the big bed. Daddy is sleeping next to me... can you see him? Posted by Picasa

At Pearce Reservoir again

Time for us to pay another visit to Pearce Reservoir .... I'm not so young now but I'm still a baby! Posted by Picasa