Saturday, October 15, 2005

The Mirror

Mummy always makes me laugh when I'm in front of the big mirror in mummy and daddy's bedroom. I can't help it! Muahahahahaha! Posted by Picasa

At last, I can STAND ON MY OWN!!!!!!!

If only for a few seconds..... but I CAN STAND!!! On my own!!!! Look ma, no hands!!!!!!!  Posted by Picasa

Another new suit, another new photo ....

And a rare opportunity for a photo with daddy.... since he's always behind the camera. Posted by Picasa

Auntie Anne's Outfit

Auntie Anne got me a Next outfit from London! Here you go, Auntie Anne! Do I look naughty enough???

Auntie Anne ROX!!!!!!!! Posted by Picasa

My new Swing!

Daddy bought a swing to make me keep quiet, but I'm not impressed.... still ... zzzzzzzzz..... Posted by Picasa