Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Grandpa, Grandma

Here's grandpa and grandma at the end of the party. We're all tired but it was fun! Posted by Picasa

Customized Balloons!

Mummy even ordered customized balloons with my name on them. And I love the taste of my fingers in my mouth. Posted by Picasa

On the Little Tikes Rocking Horse

Mummy rented a whole lotta Little Tikes play equipment .... Here I am on the rocking horse! Love it! Posted by Picasa

Splash Splash!

Shhhh.... Don't tell mummy I'm splashing the water. She always says that the water is filled with mosquito poison, but anyway, it's fun! Grandpa is very sweet - he helped bathe me after my splash splash.... Posted by Picasa

Ball Games....

AIYA! Nicole took my ball! But she's much bigger than me! Wait, I'll chase her down. Posted by Picasa

Balloons everywhere!

Yeah, they're all around the stairs, all over the ceiling, on the floor, and all over the back room.... Posted by Picasa

Super Sugar High Cake!

The Beep the Bus cake seems to be full of M&Ms and sugar, and all the kids love it. Obviously Amber loves cake too! She ate a whole slice but I was too young to eat, said mummy. Posted by Picasa

Learning to be naughty

Tobi and Joni, Auntie Jeannie's daughters, came to my party. And they promptly taught me how to be naughty doing funny blowing things with my mouth.

For weeks after that, I kept on BZZZZ BZZZZ BZZZZ Posted by Picasa

The Birthday Cake has Beep the Bus on it!

Mummy got me a super designer cake with Beep the Bus, Humpty Dumpty and Twinkle Twinkle the little star on it! Wow! All from my favourite Wheels on the Bus VideoCD series!

I couldn't keep my hands off it. Yum Yum! Eating one's favourite cartoon characters is every baby's dream. Mine too! Posted by Picasa

Eating Eating Eating!

Pity I can't eat roti prata yet... the Casuarina Curry House Prata-On-Demand was quite a hit with all the grownups. So many types of prata, even chocolate prata ... yum yum! Posted by Picasa

More party shots!

Here're some more shots of my birthday party, with parachutes and balloons and music sticks and hope everyone's having fun! Posted by Picasa