Thursday, June 01, 2006

Daddy and Mummy and Jasper

One of the rare pictures of mummy, daddy and me together. Actually I want to go off now to buy the cloth flower fo mummy but she's holding me back. I'll sneak off with daddy later. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

You guys got all got a loser look.

Anonymous said...

kekeke^^, there r ppl who, when given power, cannot handle power.

there r ppl who, when given wealth, cannot handle wealth.

also, there r ppl who, when given anonymity, cannot handle anonymity.

is the potato too hot, anonymous?

let it go then^^

no wonder u r still awake at 3am. lol.

if u hold on to a hot potato, of cos u cant sleep.

Unknown said...

q4! Nice to see you here! What causes you to defend my little family?

Anonymous said...

kekeke^^, actually i was trying to help a troubled soul who is suffering insomnia lah.